Univad Honour Code
Academic integrity is important to Univad and our institutional partners. Your commitment to academic integrity shows respect for your own work and the work of your peers.
You need to follow Univad’s Honour Code to uphold Univad's standard of academic integrity:
Register for only one account. Your account is linked to your email address. If you register on our site with more than one email address, you are registering for more than one account.
Your answers to homework, quizzes, and exams must be your own work (except for assignments that explicitly permit collaboration).
You may not share your solutions to homework, quizzes, or exams with anyone else unless explicitly permitted by the instructor. This includes anything written by you, as well as any official solutions provided by the course staff.
You may not engage in any other activities that will dishonestly improve your results or dishonestly improve or damage the results of others.
Plagiarism is when you copy or reproduce words, ideas, or any other materials from another source without giving credit to the original author. Plagiarism also includes the practice of employing or allowing another person to alter or revise your work, and then submitting the work as your own. Students may discuss assignments among themselves, or with an instructor or tutor, but all assignment submissions must be original works done independently by the student. Plagiarism is unacceptable in any academic environment, and is a serious violation of the Univad Honour Code.
If some or all of your assignment is identified as plagiarism, the following actions may be taken:
You will be notified that your assignment was found to be plagiarised, and a report of the plagiarism case will be provided to Univad.
You will fail the plagiarised assignment. If your assignment previously received a passing score, the score will be reverted to zero.
If the failed assignment sufficiently reduces your course score to a non-passing grade, the certificate will be withheld or revoked.
Removal from a course or learning program.
No refunds will be given for Course or Specialisation Certificates that are withheld or revoked due to plagiarism.
We understand our learners come from many different academic backgrounds and many are unfamiliar with our academic standard for plagiarism, and a violation of our policies may have been a one time mistake. If your assignment has been found to have been plagiarised, you will receive an email notification detailing next steps.
Nothing in this policy shall restrict the applicability to you of any institutional policies established by our content partners in connection with their content (e.g., student codes of conduct); such policies shall supplement this policy and to the extent there is a conflict between such policies and this policy, as between you and our content partners, our content partner’s policies shall govern.
Flag plagiarism
To report plagiarism (copying materials from another source without giving credit):
Open the assignment you want to flag plagiarism in.
Click Flag submission on the top right.
Include links or other information to help us investigate.
Report Honour Code violations
You can report Honour Code violations by contacting us.